News from and about King County… from COVID-19 updates to community news affecting our daily lives.
Dear Friends:
Today’s e-news includes information on the upcoming National Vietnam Veterans Day, new announcements from the governor, our virtual town hall, a bridge closure, health updates, and more.
Washington Trivia
A Los Angeles Angels baseball player was born in Federal Way. Who is he?
(Answer is at the bottom).
National Vietnam Veterans Day
As someone who entered the military during the Vietnam War, I have the utmost respect for our Vietnam veterans, many of whom never heard the words, “thank you for your service”.
Next Monday, March 29th, is National Vietnam Veterans Day. Our Vietnam veterans and their families deserve our gratitude, and even though annual commemorative events are canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are virtual events that we can participate in to recognize them for their service and sacrifice. Read more here.
Governor’s Announcements
Washington adopts 3-foot distance rule in schools in line with CDC guidance
In line with the adjusted guidance set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for schools, social distancing requirements for students will now be decreased from 6 feet to 3 feet effective immediately. The CDC still recommends 6 feet of distance between staff, and between staff and students, as well as for students during certain circumstances (meals, when in common areas, and doing certain activities). Read more in the King 5 news article here.
COVID-19 vaccine eligibility will be expanded to everyone 16 and older by May 1
The state Department of Health has accelerated the COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan and confirmed that beginning May 1st, everyone 16 and older will be able to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine. This comes from the direction of the federal government that states must make the vaccine available to all adults across the country by then. Read more in the King 5 news article here.
Save the Date: March 29th Virtual Town Hall
On Monday, March 29th I will be hosting a Virtual Town Hall from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM on Zoom. The meeting will bring together Peter Rogoff, the CEO of Sound Transit, and Terry White, the new General Manager of King County Metro, to discuss the evolving modes of transportation and to answer your questions.
If you are interested in attending this virtual event, please email my Chief of Staff, Tyler Pichette, at tyler.pichette@kingcounty.gov for the Zoom information. Alternatively, you can follow along on Facebook live at www.facebook.com/petevonreichbauer.
Patton Bridge Full Closure: March 25 through March 27
The Patton Bridge on SE Green Valley Road over the Green River is completely close to all vehicles, bicycles, and foot traffic today, Thursday, March 25th through 6:00 PM, Sunday, March 27th. During the closure, crews will pour new concrete supports under the bridge deck. Closing the bridge to all traffic helps prevent vibration on the bridge and allows the concrete to cure properly. Visit the Patton Bridge Repairs Project website for more information.
Weekly King County Health Update: Indoor air pollution and your health
Most of us know that outdoor air pollution can negatively impact our health, but are you aware that indoor air pollution may be an estimated 2 to 5 times greater than outdoors? With people spending as much as 90% of their time indoors, experts are concerned about increased health problems including eye irritation, headaches, dizziness, respiratory and heart diseases, and cancer caused by poor indoor air quality (home, office, school, other buildings).
• Common pollution sources include smoking indoors, burning candles, central HVAC systems, household cleaning products, tracking pesticides and pollens in shoes and clothing, inadequate/improper circulation of fresh air from the outside, and mold.
• The most susceptible are the very young, older adults, and people with cardiovascular or respiratory disease.
• Ways to decrease indoor air pollution include circulating fresh air from outdoors daily if air quality is good, not smoking indoors, cleaning or replacing furnace and air filters, using ventilating fans in the kitchen and bathroom, wiping off or removing shoes inside the home, using safe cleaning products, vacuuming and dusting often, and safely removing any mold.
• Public Health – Seattle & King County offers these details on indoor air pollution.
• AirNow gives you real time outdoor air pollution levels in King County.
King County COVID Vaccination Update
As of yesterday, there were 594,859 first dose and 332,611 second dose vaccines administered among King County residents, bringing the total of all administered doses to 927,470. For more information, visit the King County COVID Vaccination Dashboard here.
Phase Finder: To assess your eligibility to receive COVID-19 vaccine, visit the Washington Department of Health Phase Finder web form. To find COVID-19 vaccine appointments, visit Vaccine Locator.
For eligible South King County residents: Public Health – Seattle and King County has high-volume vaccinations sites in Auburn and Kent. Register here.
Register by phone: Call King County Public Health Call Center at 206-477-3977 or Washington COVID-19 Assistance Hotline at 1-800-525-0127, then press #.
For veterans: Call 1-800-698-2411 and press 8 for COVID information or visit www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine.
For more information, visit Getting vaccinated in King County.
King County Case Update
Today, Seattle – King County Public Health reported 336 new cases, bringing the total in King County to 86,373. In addition, Public Health reported 2 new deaths, bringing the total in the county to 1,458.
Stay In. Stay Healthy. Stay Strong.
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember
Washington trivia answer:
Hyun “Hank” Conger is a former professional baseball catcher who played Major League Baseball for the Los Angeles Angels, Houston Astros, and Tampa Bay Rays.
Hank was born in Federal Way to his South Korean parents, and was raised in Huntington Beach, California. He played for the Huntington Beach High School, where he became a second team All-American and Gatorade Player of the Year. He had planned to attend the University of Southern California, but the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim selected him in the first round of the 2006 MLB draft. After playing for different MLB teams, Hank became the catching coach of the Lotte Giants of the KBO League in South Korea.
Compiled by Cyndee Navarro of my office.