Dear Friends:
Below is an end of week update on COVID-19 resources and guidance in our community. Over the weekend, stay safe, stay healthy, and if you are going to enjoy the sunshine, please be sure to maintain social distancing.
National Public Health Week

This week is National Public Health Week. The courage, professionalism and service of public health and health care professionals deserves our gratitude and admiration, especially during the current crisis. Public Health professionals across the country are working around the clock to serve our communities and blunt the spread of COVID-19. We are grateful for the work of our public health professionals every day, be sure to thank a public health worker in your life.
Park Closures This Weekend
As you know, King County Parks are currently closed during the COVID-19 crisis. This weekend, due to the weather forecast Parks is anticipating more people being outside. Sheriff’s patrols are prepared to work overtime, especially at heavily used trailheads and sites to educate people about the park closures. There will also be COViD-19 “closed” signs at parks. This includes 5 Mile Lake Park in District 7.
Rent Help: United Way of King County
United Way of King County announced an expanded program of rental assistance beginning on Friday, April 10th. This program is supported by the Community Relief Fund and a variety of community partners. One month of rental assistance is being offered to people in King County struggling to pay rent due to the coronavirus. You can learn more about the requirements and apply here or by calling 2-1-1.
Support and Ideas for Families with Kids
The Washington Healthy Youth (WHY) Coalition supports families by providing up-to-date resources, including articles about talking to youth about the COVID-19 pandemic, links to virtual parenting sessions and seminars, and ideas for keeping youth busy and engaged while staying at home.
Visit www.starttalkingnow.org to find these resources. They also are posted regularly on the Start Talking Now Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/StartTalkingNowWA/).
2020 Census Reminder

The 2020 census is ongoing during the COVID-19 crisis. The decennial count of all people residing in the United States is used to allocate public resources over the next decade, along with representation in state and federal government.
People are encouraged to respond to the census by mail, phone or online. The more people respond via these options, the fewer workers will be sent out into the field later this year to conduct in-person counts. You can find more information at here.
King County Case Update
Seattle – King County Public Health is reporting 231 new cases today, bringing the official case count in King County to 4,117. They also reported 19 new deaths, bringing the total to 277.
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
-–Winston Churchill

Stay In. Stay Healthy. Social Distance. Stay Strong.
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember