News from and about King County… from health updates to community news affecting our daily lives.
Dear Friends:
Today’s update includes news about the March "Good Eggs" Breakfast with Adjutant General Bret Daugherty, Veterans Services, Leanne Guier's appointment to the 4Culture Board, a visit to the FUSION Décor Boutique, the Your Money Matters organization, grants, transit, travel industry and health updates, and more.
Washington Trivia
This historic structure in Washington has the fourth tallest masonry dome in the world, weighs 188,500,000 pounds, would take 136 Olympic-sized swimming pools to fill with water, and is reminiscent of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. What is it?
(Answer is at the bottom).
“Good Eggs” Breakfast with Adjutant General Bret Daugherty
“It is much better to be prepared and not need it than to be unprepared and caught flat-footed,” said Major General Bret Daugherty, our March “Good Eggs” Speaker. Washington is one of few places in the country that is susceptible to mega-earthquakes, volcanoes, forest fires, tsunamis, and bridge collapses. As the Adjutant General, he commands all Washington Army and Air National Guard forces and is Director of the State’s Emergency Management and Enhanced 911 programs. Maj. Gen. Daugherty prepares our state for these scenarios, and we are lucky to have him. Thank you, Maj. Gen. Daugherty!
(Top) With Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Bret Daugherty, Auburn Mayor Nancy Backus, Kent Mayor Dana Ralph, and Algona Mayor Troy Linnell; (Bottom) With Maj. Gen. Daugherty and Mayor Ralph
Veterans Services Updates
VSHSL Navigate Homeless Veterans to Housing Funding Opportunity
The King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Navigate Homeless Veterans to Housing with up to $1,806,434 in funding from the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL).
VSHSL seeks to provide housing navigation and related stabilization services to veteran households experiencing homelessness, including those assessed for housing but who are still waiting for a housing resource and necessary supports to be available. Funded organizations will provide supportive services to help veterans obtain and initially maintain their housing. The deadline to apply is May 6th by 2:00 pm. For more information, contact Kip Swanson, Veteran Initiatives Team, at 206-263-8209 or kip.swanson@kingcounty.gov.
King County Partners with Compass Housing Alliance to open First All-Veteran 24/7 Enhanced Shelter
King County and Compass Housing Alliance celebrated the opening of the Blaine Veterans Center, the first all-veteran 24/7 enhanced shelter in King County. The center will provide 36 shelter beds, onsite services and support to veterans experiencing homelessness in King County, including case management, housing navigation support, and connections to behavioral health care, medical services, and skill development opportunities. For more information, contact 206-474-1660 or info@compasshousingalliance.org.
Link Light Rail is Coming to South King County: Metro Wants to Hear from You
New Link light rail stations will open in Kent-Des Moines, Star Lake, and the Federal Way Transit Center as soon as 2026. Metro is seeking feedback from communities in Algona, Auburn, Burien, Des Moines, Federal Way, Kent, Normandy Park, Pacific, SeaTac, and Tukwila on how to best adapt transit services when the stations open. Share your thoughts in a survey or apply for their Mobility Board by May 10th. For more information, visit Metro South Link Connections website.
Coffee with Leanne Guier, New 4Culture Board Member
I was pleased to nominate former Pacific Mayor Leanne Guier to represent our area as one of the 15 members of the important 4Culture board. I recently met up with Leanne to discuss how the “Doors Open Cultural Fund” would positively impact South King County. From the Terry Home (a place of hope and healing for young adults with traumatic brain injuries) to her union and the city of Pacific, Leanne is an advocate who cares about her neighbors and our region. Visit 4culture.org to learn more!
With 4Culture Board Member and former Pacific Mayor Leanne Guier
Some King County Leaders Push Back on Potential Closure of Youth Detention Center
With the initial commitment of the King County Executive to close the detention facility by 2025 and the newly suggested timeline moved to 2028, an advisory committee continues to examine the goal while some King County leaders push back on the proposed closure. King County data showed juveniles committed 177 violent crimes last year, an alarming 57% increase from 2022. While others support reducing youth incarceration, some leaders think the detention facility should remain open, particularly with the level of violence we are seeing in the community right now. Read more in the KING5 article here.
Alumni Corner
While our work is based on policies and programs, it is the people we work with who make the difference. Previously featured alumni included: Chris Cho, Tom Pierson, Bailey Stenson Gordon, Agnes Wooters, Jim Ferrell, Jackie Schneider, Megan Rage, Thomas Efrem, Jenny Faubion, and Sue Park.
This week’s featured District 7 alum is Dani Cortez. Dani worked in my office as a legislative aide in the summer of 2009 after graduating college. During her time in my office, she learned a lot about the county and how local government is structured.
“I learned a lot about Pete's constituents as I was doing a lot of data entry around various surveys. As it was my first office job out of college, I learned a lot about what it was like to work a 9-5.”
After working in my office, Dani moved to Washington, D.C. to work at CTIA (The Wireless Association). Currently, she is a Customer Success Manager at vcita, a small business management software. She is now back in the Seattle area and happily married (David Cortez) with a 2-year-old and another baby due at the end of May. While she does not have much free time, she always enjoys spending time outdoors with her family.
Visit Seattle Celebrates Record-Setting $8.2 Billion in Visitor Spending
Visit Seattle recently unveiled preliminary visitation data and downtown hotel performance data for 2023 at their annual meeting attended by local leaders. Anticipated to be finalized this month, the preliminary visitation data indicated that:
• A total of 37.8 million visitors came to Seattle and King County in 2023, a 9% increase from 2022 reaching 90.2% of 2019 levels.
• Visitors spent $8.2 billion in Seattle and King County in 2023, a 12.8% increase from 2022 and 0.7% increase from 2019.
• Visitors paid $787 million in state and local taxes in 2023, a 12.5% increase from 2022 reaching 94.0% of 2019 levels. That amounts to a tax offset of $859 per household in King County in 2023, up from $775 in 2022 and steadily approaching the $965 peak of 2019.
• Tourism supported 65,486 jobs in Seattle and King County in 2023, a 7.7% increase from 2022 reaching 81.5% of 2019 levels.
Read more in the Visit Seattle Press Release here.
King County 2024 Flood Reduction Grant Application Round is Now Open
The King County Flood Control District announced the availability of at least $12 million in grant funding for projects that reduce the impact of flooding. The program targets flood reduction projects throughout King County and the deadline to apply for a 2024 grant is May 31st, 2024. An online informational meeting will be offered on April 23rd to learn more about the grants and the application process. The grant application will be accessed via an online portal. The information session will feature a demonstration of the portal. For more information, please visit the Flood Reduction Grants webpage.
Cultural Producers Recovery Fund Closes May 8
4Culture offers up to $12,000 to those impacted by the pandemic as they recuperate, adapt, and advance their practice. This is the second and final round of American Resource Plan Act (ARPA) grants for Cultural Producers. 4Culture streamlined the criteria to make the application process easier. For this round, you do not need to provide personal tax return documents to demonstrate financial loss due to the pandemic. Deadline to apply is May 8th at 5:00 pm. For more information, click here.
Friends of the Federal Way Libraries Book Sale
Stop by the Federal Way Library (34200 1st Way S, Federal Way, WA 98003) on April 20th, Saturday, and browse gently used books, DVDs, CDs and more to help support library programming. Pre-sale for members only will be from 10:15 am to 11:00 am, while the general sale will be from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Memberships are available at the door for $5. Click here for more information.
Health Updates
Research Drives Historic State Law Banning Sale of Lead-contaminated Cookware
Research led by the Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County in collaboration with the University of Washington played a pivotal role in a groundbreaking state law prohibiting the sale of cookware tainted with lead and positioning Washington as a leader in public health protection. Read more here.
US Measles Elimination Status Threatened Due to 2024 Outbreak
According to the most recent report published by the CDC, a total of 121 measles cases were reported by 18 states, including Washington. This is at least a 17-fold higher figure than the average number of cases seen during the same period from 2020 to 2023.
This rapid increase in cases in the first quarter of 2024 represents a renewed threat to the U.S. elimination status, which is not the first time that the measles elimination status has been at risk. In 2019, there were 1,274 reported cases due to outbreak in Washington state and in New York State and New York City. Although endemic U.S. measles was declared eliminated in 2000, measles importations continue to occur. Read more here.
Non-Profit Corner
South King County Non-Profit Organizations
Auburn Food Bank |
Auburn Noon Lions |
Auburn Valley Humane Society |
Bloodworks Northwest |
Eileen & Callie’s Place |
Federal Way Kiwanis |
Federal Way Lions |
Federal Way Senior Center |
FUSION Décor Boutique |
Multi-Service Center Food Bank |
Soroptimist International of Auburn |
Rotary Club of Federal Way |
The Salvation Army
Your Money Matters
With Tax Day just past us, financial health is something nobody should ever take for granted. I recently visited "Your Money Matters" on Auburn’s East Main Street, where Auburn Councilmember Clinton Taylor is working with youth in our community to teach them the fundamentals of personal finance. In these inflationary days, it has never been easier to mistreat your wallet, and I am grateful for the work Clinton is doing: How you take care of your money matters!
With Auburn Councilmember Clinton Taylor
Visiting FUSION Décor Boutique in Federal Way
My family always believed in helping where you can, so I was happy to pass on some of my parents' antique porcelain and glassware to FUSION. When economic hardship hits, our non-profits find their services are needed more than ever. Now is a great time to support local non-profits like FUSION, who provide housing and financial support to so many in our community. Thank you, Linda and Peggy, for all the tireless work you do for others!
Linda Casey received my donation at FUSION Décor. A few days later, I returned to see how they had arranged my mother's porcelain in the shop!
Local Services Contact Information
Code Enforcement Links: Auburn | Algona | Federal Way | Kent | Pacific | Unincorporated
Crime Maps: Auburn| Federal Way| Kent |
all of King County
Law Enforcement Updates: Auburn | Algona | Federal Way | Kent | Pacific | KCSO Unincorporated
To report illegal street racing in your neighborhood, dial 911.
Vaccine Locator: To find COVID-19 vaccine appointments, visit Vaccine Locator. For more information, visit getting vaccinated or getting tested in King County.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat https://988lifeline.org/ to reach the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
With best wishes,
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember
Washington trivia answer:
The Washington State Capitol Building, first occupied by the Legislature in March 1927 and completed in 1928, is the centerpiece of the five historic capitol buildings designed by New York architects Walter Wilder and Harry White. Its design is reminiscent of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece and closely resembles the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Comprised of over a hundred million pounds of stone, brick, concrete and steel, the State Capitol has a total weight of 188,500,000 pounds, just slightly heavier than the Washington Monument in DC (181,708,000 pounds) and below a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (194,000,000 pounds). It also has the fourth tallest masonry dome in the world at 287 feet, making it the tallest in the U.S. and coming in behind St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome (446 feet), St. Paul’s Cathedral in London (355.5 feet) and St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg (333 feet).
Since its construction, the Legislative Building has housed governors, other statewide elected officials, and legislative representatives, served as the center for Washington government, and withstood the powerful impact of three major earthquakes – the most recent being the 2001 Nisqually earthquake. Between 2002 and 2004, the building went through a major rehabilitation project which included earthquake upgrades, as well as upgrades to systems, fire protection, accessibility, and a general infrastructure overhaul. Read more here.
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