Dear Friends:
Today’s update includes information on resources provided by the King County Library System, the Transit Advisory Commission, a case update, and more.
King County Applies for Modified Phase 1 Variance
Today, King County submitted a plan to the state Department of Health to allow for limited openings of businesses in a modified Phase 1 of the Safe Start plan, including allowing some indoor seating at restaurants. You can read more about what was submitted here.
King County Library System Financial Assistance Service
King County Library System has launched a new service to connect King County residents with COVID-19 financial relief resources. The KCLS Financial Assistance Navigation Service helps point King County residents to the financial assistance programs they need, such as business loans, unemployment claims and rent assistance. Residents looking for guidance may visit this site to complete an online form detailing their small business and/or personal financial needs, and they will receive personalized financial information and referrals from KCLS staff. Those without computer or internet access may call (800)-462-9600 for assistance.
Transit Advisory Commission Seeks New Members
King County Metro’s Transit Advisory Commission is looking for new members. The group advises the King County Council and Executive on transit policy, helping to shape our transportation services. Members reflect the diverse communities we serve. Right now, they are recruiting from districts 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9. You can see a district map here. You can also learn more and apply online at www.kingcounty.gov/TAC.
Bellevue Chamber Webcast
Although I am not a member of the Bellevue Chamber, I respect their leadership and have appreciated the webinars they have been hosting over the course of the pandemic. On Friday, June 5th at 8:00 a.m. they will be hosting a webcast on “The Workforce of the Future”. If you are interested in the program, you can learn more and register here.
King County Case Update
As of today, Seattle – King County Public Health was reporting 42 new cases, bringing the total in King County to 8,277. In addition, Public Health reported 2 new deaths, bringing the total in the county to 562.
Stay In. Stay Healthy. Stay Strong.
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember