Dear Friends:
Today’s update includes information on our “Good Eggs” community forum, a new program to address food insecurity, the 4Culture landmarks capital grants deadline, a census reminder, and more.
Washington Trivia
When was the incorporation of Algona, Washington?
(Answer is at the bottom).
“Good Eggs” Community Forum with King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht
South King County leaders and community members had the opportunity to participate in a virtual community forum with King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht on Wednesday, August 19th. Sheriff Johanknecht has spent her entire career in law enforcement, from being a deputy in South East King County to being elected as King County Sheriff. To those who would like to hear her unique experience of building a pandemic response plan earlier in her career to actually dealing with a pandemic, and her priorities and perspective on criminal justice reform during these changing times, you may watch the recorded version of the forum on my Facebook page.
With King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht
With South King County community leaders
Food Security Assistance Program
Public Health Seattle-King County recently released a report that shows a spike in food insecurity in King County households this spring. In response to this, King County and Public Health established new policies to focus on increasing access to food, including a food security assistance program. Grants will be awarded through a competitive process, focusing on promoting access to culturally appropriate foods and prioritizing historically disadvantaged communities that have been disproportionately impacted by inequities and discrimination. Applications are due on August 25, 2020.
4Culture: Landmarks Capital Grant
The Landmarks Capital Funding Program is still accepting applications to support urgent repairs, including emergencies, and time-sensitive projects. It will prioritize projects that prevent further damage or disrepair to historic properties, or address life safety issues. The deadline to submit your application is September 16th at 5:00PM.
Visit their website for workshop schedules and more information, or contact Dana Phelan at 206-263-1604 or dana.phelan@4culture.org.
2020 Census: Time is Running Out!
Time is running out to take the 2020 census and make an impact for the next 10 years. Complete the census by September 30 and count for the next 10 years. If our community is undercounted, we will not have a fair and full voice in policy and decision-making. Please do your part to make sure we are counted and represented.
Counting people through the census is also how funding is distributed where it’s needed for the next ten years—for things like our schools, affordable housing, hospitals, and public transportation.
The census determines the distribution of funding for real things that affect our lives, like:
• The number of teachers in our schools.
• The number of safe bus routes and sidewalks in our cities.
• The availability of benefits like nutrition services, food stamps and emergency meals.
• The need for affordable housing.
• The number of nurses and beds in our hospitals.
• Whether our roads get fixed and are safe.
• Whether we’re prepared for earthquakes, wildfires, floods, and pandemics.
Complete the 2020 Census by September 30 to ensure that King County gets the resources it needs. Visit 2020Census.gov to complete the census or call 844-330-2020.
King County Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program
King County is accepting interest forms from tenants, small landlords, large property landlords and managers, manufactured home park owners and managers, and local nonprofits who wish to participate in a new Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program. Over $41 million is dedicated to helping local area residents.
To ensure timely availability of rent assistance while also seeking feedback to ensure a program that is as effective, equitable, and efficient as possible, King County is seeking comments about the program until August 25th, 2020. Read more about it here.
King County Case Update
Today, Seattle – King County Public Health reported 183 new cases, bringing the total in King County to 18,313. In addition, Public Health reported 6 new deaths, bringing the total in the county to 703.
Stay In. Stay Healthy. Stay Strong.
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember
Washington trivia answer:
Previously called Valley City, Algona was officially incorporated on August 22, 1955. It was originally named Algoma, which is a Native American term for “valley of flowers”, but due to a misspelling by postal officials, the name was substituted to Algona.
The development of the community started from the first homestead settlers in the 1870s and 1880s, namely William H. Wood and L.S. Rogers. In 1874, L.S. Rogers bought the area that would become Algona and later sold it to Clarence and Bessie Hillmann in 1906. Upon the completion of the Seattle-Tacoma Interurban Railway, the area was platted, and the community continued to prosper with the opening of businesses and large cultivation of vegetables, fruits and dairy products by Japanese and Filipino American farmers.