News from and about King County… from health updates to community news affecting our daily lives.
Dear Friends:
Today’s update includes news about this month’s “Good Eggs” breakfast, a virtual career fair for veterans, 20th Anniversary of 9/11 events, Todd Beamer High School’s namesake, expanded contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses, the King County Children and Youth Advisory Board application process, and more.
Washington Trivia
This Auburn High School graduate competed in wheelchair basketball at the Paralympics, winning a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Paralympics. Who is she?
(Answer is at the bottom).
“Good Eggs” Breakfast with UW President Ana Mari Cauce
This week, I was joined by University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce for my September virtual “Good Eggs” meeting. President Cauce provided us with updates about the UW, including the challenge and excitement that comes with welcoming not one, but two classes of students, who have never taken in-person college classes. Returning to live instruction enables the university to serve its students more equitably and gives them the opportunity to create their own unique “Husky Experience.” She also spoke of how the UW provides limitless opportunities, across their three campuses, for thousands of students from South King County as well as the efforts they have taken to make college more affordable for all. You can find a recorded version of the meeting on my Facebook page.
With University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce
King County Veterans Program Virtual Career Fair
King County Veterans Program is hosting a virtual Reboot/Recruit Veteran Career Fair. The fair, which is open to veterans, servicemembers and their families, will be held from 9:00am to 12:00pm on Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with the following employers: Amazon Web Services, Bureau of Prisons, City of Seattle, Columbia Distributing, G4S, Pierce County, Salesforce, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Tacoma Screw, Transwest, Veterans Health Administration & Veterans Benefits Administration and Washington State Employment Security Department. To learn more and register click here.
20th Anniversary of 9/11
A weekend of remembering: from Federal Way’s dedication of their Veteran’s Flag Pavilion to South King County Fire and Rescue’s recognition of the fallen firefighter heroes of 9/11 to Milton’s outpouring of respect for active and retired military personnel. Never forget!
With Milton Chief of Police Tony Hernandez
Speaking with Pastor Gordon Banks who delivered the prayer at the Federal Way Veteran’s Flag Pavilion dedication
Todd Beamer High School welcomes parents of hero for whom the school is named
On September 10th, David and Peggy Beamer spoke at a memorial event at Todd Beamer High School in Federal Way, which commemorated the 20th anniversary of 9/11 as well as the heroism of their son, Todd Beamer. Todd was a passenger on United Airlines Flight 93, one of the planes that was hijacked as part of the September 11th terror attacks, and is widely credited with leading the attempt to take back control of the plane before it crashed in Pennsylvania. The school was built in 2003 and was named in his honor. You can read the full article by the Federal Way Mirror here.
More contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses with new King County and State of Washington agreement
King County and Washington state Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises will expand access to the county’s procurement and contracting opportunities for state certified minority– and women-owned businesses through implementation of a Fast Track Small Contractor and Supplier certification program. The benefits of the Fast Track SCS Certification process include eliminating the redundancy in certification processes that have overlapping eligibility criteria. Read the Executive’s full press release here.
King County Children and Youth Advisory Board is seeking applicants
The King County Children and Youth Advisory Board (CYAB) is seeking individuals interested in serving on the CYAB for a three-year term beginning February 1, 2022. The CYAB serves as the oversight and advisory body for the Best Starts for Kids Initiative, the King County Youth Action Plan, and the Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account (PSTAA). Please submit your application packet (application, statement of financial interest, and code of conduct form) to kwade@kingcounty.gov by 11:59 p.m. on October 1, 2021. Access the application packet here.
Weekly King County Health Updates
If more people are getting vaccinated, why are cases and hospitalizations high?
Public Health-Seattle & King County (PHSKC) reports that 78% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated and 84% have had their first dose. Why then do King County COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations remain high? The increases are attributed to two reasons – the more contagious Delta variant and people more freely mixing over the summer when restrictions were relaxed. Unvaccinated people comprise the majority of cases, severe illnesses, and hospitalizations, and with the return to in-person school, cases are rising among vaccine ineligible children and adolescents. Health experts emphasize that no vaccine is 100% protective and although the Delta variant can infect some fully vaccinated people, the vaccine still strongly protects against severe illness and reduces the time people are infectious. PHSKC states that vaccination coupled with prevention strategies (high quality masking, social distancing) is the best protection for you, your family, and your community.
Older adults – how much you sleep affects your brain
A study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Neurology reports both short and long sleep durations are associated with worse cognitive and health outcomes for older adults. Short sleepers (6 hours or less) had elevated beta amyloid proteins – a contributor to amyloid plaques which are a marker of Alzheimer’s disease – and impaired cognition mainly with memory. Long sleepers (9 hours or more) reported worse cognitive performance across multiple areas. Both groups reported greater depressive symptoms, higher body mass index, and daytime napping. While the study did not address specific health conditions or sleep quality, it suggests that getting 7-8 hours of adequate sleep may be the sweet spot for older adults.
King County COVID-19 Case Update
Today, Seattle – King County Public Health reported 623 new positive cases, bringing the total in King County to 145,046. In addition, Public Health reported 2 new deaths, bringing the total in the county to 1,829.
Recent data may be incomplete. For more information, visit the King County Daily Summary Dashboard here.
Vaccine Locator: To find COVID-19 vaccine appointments, visit Vaccine Locator.
For King County residents: Register here to schedule your appointment at one of the high-volume vaccination sites in Auburn and Kent.
For in-home vaccination: Call King County COVID-19 Call Center at 206-477-3977.
Register by phone: Call King County COVID-19 Call Center at 206-477-3977 or Washington COVID-19 Assistance Hotline at 1-800-525-0127, then press #.
For veterans: Call 206-716-5716 or visit www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine.
For more information, visit Getting vaccinated in King County.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or Text TALK to 741-741
Stay Healthy. Stay Strong.
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember
Washington trivia answer:
After graduating from Auburn High School, Janna (Crawford) Mizens attended the University of Illinois where she competed on their women’s wheelchair basketball team. Janna was a member of Team USA at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Paralympics. It was at the 2004 Summer Paralympics that she helped Team USA to a gold medal win over Australia. Recently, Janna took a role with the New South Wales Institute of Sport to help prepare Australia’s wheelchair basketball athletes for Tokyo 2020.
Photo source: NSWIS
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