Dear Friends:
However we celebrate Thanksgiving, whether it's around the table (socially distanced) or with Zoom cameras on, please think of the men and women in uniform who are distanced from their loved ones. As they work to protect our borders and streets, and staff our hospitals and fire departments, remember to give a moment of thanks for the sacrifices they make for us.
Photos from the web and Federal Way Mirror.
Washington Trivia
How did Carnation get its name?
(Answer is at the bottom).
King County Superior and District Courts suspend all in-person jury trials
King County Superior and District Courts are suspending all in-person jury trials due to the spike in coronavirus cases in the county and state. The suspension is in effect through the week of January 11, 2021.
King County Superior Court is continuing to hold civil, family law, involuntary treatment and dependency trials without juries through video technology, and is now holding virtual civil jury trials, where the jurors, witnesses and parties all appear on video. The King County District Court also expanded its use of video technology to hold hearings and will assess the situation on a bi-weekly basis. Read more about this in the Seattle Times article here.
Wait times increasing at King County Free COVID-19 testing sites
The spike in COVID-19 cases and the upcoming holiday season have increased the demand for COVID-19 testing, resulting in longer wait times even in the high-volume drive-through testing sites, and the time to get test results is taking longer. Some sites are experiencing up to an hour wait time, and that number may grow in the days ahead. Anyone who is experiencing even mild COVID-like symptoms such as a cough, fever, or new loss of taste or smell, should isolate themselves away from others and call their healthcare provider. Additionally, anyone who has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 should quarantine and get tested.
Getting tested as soon as possible is important to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If you do not have a doctor or they cannot provide a test, there are testing sites available in Auburn, Federal Way, Renton, Seattle, and Tukwila. Call the King County COVID-19 Call Center at 206-477-3977 (open 7 days a week, 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM) or pre-register at www.kingcounty.gov/covid/sites before you head to one of the sites.
New Free COVID-19 test site at Highline College expands testing capacity
A new, free COVID-19 test site opened at Highline College on Friday, November 20th. This new site complements free test sites already in operation in Renton, Auburn, Tukwila and Federal Way, increasing access to testing across South King County as cases increase. These sites are free and open to anyone, regardless of insurance or immigration status. People are encouraged to register for a testing appointment. Visit https://www.chifranciscan.org/freetesting for scheduling and registration.
Highline Community College - South Parking Lot
2402 S. 240th St, Des Moines
Testing is provided at a walk-up tent
9:30 AM – 5:30PM | Monday through Saturday
Free Flu vaccination clinics around the county
Flu vaccination is more important than ever this year to keep you from getting sick during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as away from your doctors’ offices and hospitals. It also helps save important medical resources for COVID-19 patients. In addition to the free flu vaccination clinics in south King County, Public Health – Seattle and King County has upcoming free flu vaccination drive-through clinics and health insurance enrollment events for adults.
Federal Way Aquatic Center 650 SW Campus Drive, Federal Way, WA 98023
Sundays, December 6th and 13th | 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Open to everyone ages 6 months and older at no cost.
No insurance, proof of residency, or appointment required.
Offering FluMist® nasal spray for ages 2-49 and flu shots for all ages.
High dose vaccine not available. Please wear short sleeves and make sure everyone in your car ages 2 and older wears a face covering. Please stay home if sick. For accommodations, please email whitney.taylor@kingcounty.gov.
Select Safeway locations Free flu vaccine for uninsured adults over the age of 18.
No fee and no proof of residency or immigration status required.
Find a list of participating locations including five King County Safeway pharmacies in Auburn, Kent, Renton, Seattle, and Shoreline. This effort is a collaboration between Safeway, Albertsons and the Washington Department of Health.
Weekly King County Health Update: Holiday Food Safety is not a myth
The Washington Department of Health cautions that each year, hundreds of Washingtonians become ill after eating a holiday meal. With the festive season around the corner, many cooks are joyfully planning their families’ favorite dishes. By following safe food practices, many foodborne illnesses can be prevented. For a detailed overview of food safety tips, visit Washington Department of Health’s guidance and Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.
Myth: Foodborne illness is not serious.
Fact: Although most foodborne illnesses are mild, some are serious enough to require hospitalization and may result in permanent disability or death. Pregnant people, young children, older adults, and immunocompromised people are at more risk.
Myth: Washing foods will remove all contamination.
Fact: Washing cannot remove all bacteria. Avoid rinsing raw meat or poultry – it can contaminate kitchen surfaces up. At all times, separate foods that will not be cooked from raw meat, shellfish, eggs, or poultry. For other tips, click here.
Myth: Thawing frozen food at room temperature is safe.
Fact: Bacteria that causes foodborne illness multiply in “danger zone” temperatures of 40° – 140° F. Thawing frozen foods in the refrigerator is the easiest but requires the most time. In a pinch for time? Click here for other thawing methods.
Myth: Food color or touch tells us when food is cooked enough.
Fact: Using a food thermometer is safer. Check this chart for temperature guidelines.
Myth: Raw cookie batter or dough is a safe treat.
Fact: Unpasteurized eggs and non-heat-treated flour can contain harmful bacteria.
Myth: Leftovers are okay at room temperature for a while.
Fact: Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours (if room temperature is more than 90° F, refrigerate within 1 hour) at 40°F or colder and if not frozen, throw them out after 3-4 days. Click here for more safety tips about handling leftovers.
King County Case Update
As of yesterday, Seattle – King County Public Health reported 671 new cases, bringing the total in King County to 40,736. In addition, Public Health reported 14 new deaths, bringing the total in the county to 849.
Note: The surge in cases and testing over the last week created a backlog in the Washington Department of Health data systems due to system limitations. King County is also seeing an increase in Emergency Department visits for COVID-like illness and are at the highest levels since the initial peak in March and April. Check the COVID-19 Dashboards for the latest data and information.
Stay In. Stay Healthy. Stay Strong.
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember
Washington trivia answer:
Located between the confluence of Tolt and Snoqualmie rivers, Carnation was originally inhabited by the Snoqualmie tribe and was known as Tolthue, which means river of swift waters.
According to Wikipedia, the first white settlers arrived in the 1850s and the community was founded in 1865, changing the name of the town to its anglicized version, Tolt. Shortly after the arrival of the railroad, Tolt was incorporated as a town in 1912. Around 1914, the Town Council changed the name to Town of Grand Rapids, but this was opposed by the residents, so the name reverted to the Town of Tolt.
The largest industry in the valley was the Carnation Milk Farm, making it known as the world-famous “Home for Contented Cows.” In 1917, the State Legislature authorized the name change from Tolt to Carnation, but this was again opposed by residents. The controversy went on for years and the name was changed back to Tolt, but the train depot and post office names remained as Carnation for the next decades. Finally, in 1951, a close vote of the people led the city to change its name back to Carnation.