News from and about King County… from health updates to community news affecting our daily lives.
Dear Friends:
Today’s update includes information about the Ukraine Holodomor Recognition, King County’s Alan M. Painter Grant Program, 4Culture’s ARC Artist Fellowship, King County Flood Control District’s public scoping meetings regarding the Lower Green River Corridor Flood Hazard Management Plan, Federal Way’s Holiday Tree Lighting, a message from the Black Diamond Historical Museum, a special event at the Pacific Bonsai Museum, a holiday reminder from King County Solid Waste Division, health updates and more.
Washington Trivia
This former Olympian and World Cup alpine ski racer hails from Enumclaw. Who is she?
(Answer is at the bottom).
Ukraine Holodomor Recognition
This week, I had the opportunity to recognize the Holodomor Memorial Day with Ukrainian community leaders in King County and San Francisco. Each year Ukrainian Americans in King County and around the world commemorate victims of the genocide on the fourth Saturday of November. This recognition honors Americans with Ukrainian heritage living in King County who have enriched our county through their leadership and contribution in agriculture, business, academia, government, and the arts.
At the Ukraine Holodomor Recognition with Ukrainian Federal Credit Union Director Oksana Pierce, Father Andriy Matlak of Holy Trinity Parish - Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, Honorary Consul Valeriy Goloborodko, Pastor Oleksandr Bogomaz of Voice of Hope Church, Vice Consul General of Ukraine in San Francisco Yaroslava Podgorna, and Consul General of Ukraine in San Francisco Mykola Podgornyi.
Deadline to apply for Alan M. Painter Grant Program is this Friday
King County’s Alan M. Painter Grant Program funds community projects that allow unincorporated area residents to participate in, and be more connected to, their communities. Funded projects must demonstrate how activities are accessible to all residents regardless of race, income, or language spoken. A total of $90,000 will be reimbursed for projects in 2022, in individual grants of less than $5,000 per project. Funding for projects will begin in March 2022. Applications are due by 5 pm on Friday, December 3, 2021. For more information about the grant program and to apply, please click here.
Indigenous Artist Fellowship application deadline is December 15
Indigenous artists in King County can now apply for 4Culture’s Arc Artist Fellowship, an award of $12,000 to support creative practice in whatever way they need. 4Culture staff are ready to help with the application. The deadline is Wednesday, December 15th. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, click here or call Heather Dwyer at 206-263-1597 or Melissa Newbill at 206-263-1603.
King County Flood Control District seeks public input for the Lower Green River Corridor Flood Hazard Management Plan
The King County Flood Control District is preparing a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) to inform the development of a Corridor Flood Hazard Management Plan to protect the Lower Green River Valley. Scoping is the first step in the PEIS process. During scoping, Tribes, agencies, stakeholders, and members of the public have an opportunity to provide comments on the impacts that should be considered in the PEIS analysis and the three alternative approaches for flood hazard management. There will be two public scoping meetings on January 6, 2022 (2:30 – 4 PM and 6 – 7:30 PM). To learn more and provide public comment, please click here.
Non-Profit Corner
As the holidays roll around, many of us are looking for ways we can help others. Below are a couple places where your donations go a long way:
FUSION Décor Boutique
1108 S. 322nd Pl, Federal Way, WA 98003
Donations are accepted Tuesday-Saturday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Please call beforehand at 253-839-4045 with a description of the items.
Bloodworks Northwest
1414 S 324th St., Suite B101, Federal Way, WA 98003
Whole blood and apheresis donations are accepted Monday-Tuesday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; Wednesday, Friday-Saturday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; and Sunday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Call 800-398-7888 to schedule a donation appointment or click here to make an appointment online.
The Salvation Army
26419 16th Ave S., Des Moines, WA 98198
Open Monday-Thursday, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, and Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Multi-Service Center Food Bank
1200 S. 336th St., Federal Way, WA 98033
Donations may be dropped off at the warehouse Monday-Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Auburn Food Bank
930 18th Pl NE, Auburn, WA 98002
Donations accepted in person Monday-Friday, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
In talking with Debbie Christian of the Auburn Food Bank and others, our local food banks need our help to keep their cupboards full. Please consider a donation of money or food to so they can continue this valuable work.
Federal Way’s Holiday Tree Lighting
Come kick off your holiday festivities with other members of our community at Federal Way’s Holiday Tree Lighting at Town Square Park. The event is from 4 pm to 5 pm, this Saturday, December 4th. Celebrations will include performances from local entertainers and visits from Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, with the holiday tree lighting at 4:45 pm by Mayor Jim Ferrell.
A message from the Black Diamond Historical Museum
The Black Diamond Historical Museum invites everyone to engage, learn and be inspired by the rich history of Black Diamond. The museum sits alongside the train and railroad tracks that once delivered coal from the local mines to Seattle and Puget Sound to be shipped worldwide. The museum is located at 32627 Railroad Ave., Black Diamond, WA 98010, open Thursdays from 9 am to 4 pm, and Saturdays from 11 am to 3 pm. The historical district also includes the famous Black Diamond Bakery. More information can be found on their website here.
Bonsai Solstice is back at the Pacific Bonsai Museum
Head to the Pacific Bonsai Museum on December 18th, from 4 pm to 7 pm for a quiet stroll in the woods to explore bonsai illuminated by soft lights (and your flashlights). The Museum is open at night only once a year. This is a low-key, family-friendly tradition that warmly embraces the generous spirit of the holidays and community. Click here for more information about the event.
King County “Guilt-Free Garbage”
The King County Solid Waste Division wants to remind everyone as we head into the busy holiday shopping, shipping, packaging, and entertaining season that plastic bags, wrap, and other non-recyclable items should not be put in the recycling bin. More information from King County Natural Resources and Parks can be found here.
Weekly King County Health Updates
Mental Health - youth and young adults
Young people in the U.S., already dealing with disrupted routines, isolation, and stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, are facing new challenges including returning to in-person school and getting vaccinated. They are especially vulnerable because developmentally, they are just learning how to cope with stress and manage emotions. As reported by Public Health – Seattle and King County (PHSKC), young people in King County have elevated rates of depression and anxiety leading to pre-pandemic levels of suicide attempts and ideation. Support is available to prevent and respond youth mental health crises. PHSKC offers these tips and resources. The 24-hour King County Crisis Line can also be reached at 206-461-3222.
Omicron Variant – what we know, what we can do
Omicron, a variant of the COVID-19 virus, is a cause of concern to health experts because of its large number of mutations. While it appears more contagious than the dominant strain Delta, virologists will soon have more data on its transmissibility, disease severity, and ability to evade our current vaccines. As one of the leading states in genomic sequencing, Washington state officials believe Omicron cases will not go undetected and urge all residents to continue following the existing preventative measures against any type of COVID-19 infection. For more information, contact WA State Information Hotline at 1-800-525-0127.
King County COVID-19 Case Update
Today, Seattle – King County Public Health reported 217 new positive cases, bringing the total in King County to 174,156. In addition, Public Health reported 2 new deaths, bringing the total in the county to 2,096.
Recent data may be incomplete. For more information, visit the King County COVID Daily Summary Dashboard here.
Vaccine Locator: To find COVID-19 vaccine appointments, visit Vaccine Locator.
For King County residents: Register here to schedule your appointment at one of the high-volume vaccination sites in Auburn and Kent.
For in-home vaccination: Call King County COVID-19 Call Center at 206-477-3977.
Register by phone: Call King County COVID-19 Call Center at 206-477-3977 or Washington COVID-19 Assistance Hotline at 1-800-525-0127, then press #.
For veterans: Call 206-716-5716 or visit www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine.
For more information, visit Getting vaccinated in King County.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or Text TALK to 741-741
Stay Healthy. Stay Strong.
Pete von Reichbauer
King County Councilmember
Washington trivia answer:
Judy Nagel was born in Seattle before relocating to Enumclaw when Crystal Mountain began operations in 1962, where her father headed the new ski school and race program. Nagel started racing at 5 years old and by age 16, she became a member of the 1968 Winter Olympics team. A few weeks after returning from the Olympics, she gained her first World Cup podium finish at Heavenly Valley. During the 1969 season, Nagel won her first World Cup victory at the age of 17 years, 5 months, and 13 days. Nagel remains the youngest American to win a World Cup. Her final World Cup race was in March 1970 at age 18 prior to her retirement from the circuit to coach and pursue other interests. During her World Cup career, she won 3 races, attained 12 podiums, and had 29 top ten finishes. Later, she ran the Crystal Mountain Ski Shop after her mother retired and spent years living in the mountains around Crystal and in Sun Valley. She still has a cabin in Bothell and skis at Big Bear from her home in Palm Springs.
(Photo Source: Alchetron)
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